Hello there. I started producing EDM 5 years ago and stopped doing it 2 years ago (ans over this two years, I've barely been listening to the genre). The reason why I'm writing this is because I want to make an EDM song again. I was always fairly good at making intros, breakdowns and buildups and since I've been playing guitar for years, I still can manage to write songs I like. My only problem is that I have no idea on how to make a drop. My drops always felt "dry", even if I used white noise or some reverb on some strategical sounds, they never sounded good and never really flew well, unlike the rest of the songs. It seems that even if I have a song I like, when I get to the drop I just don't know what to do. Any tips? Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post
Submitted August 30, 2016 at 08:52PM by throwawayless https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/50e87d/asking_drop_tips/?utm_source=ifttt