So I have one monitor 3840 x 2160, and one that's 1600x900. The issue here is that when I have serum on my 3840x2160 monitor I cannot apply my LFO to say the Filter on the right of the VST. It shows a circle with a line through it. Its weird. SO IF i move my serum all the way to the right of my monitor i cannot route ANYTHING at all. If i drag it onto my second monitor the 1600x900 monitor i can route anything i want. Why is serum deciding which part of my screen it allows to let me route. If i change my 3840x2160 to the same resolution as the 1600x900 it works fine. Sorry if i cant explain this properly im trying :( Is there a way to USE dual monitors with serum and not have this weird issue? HERE is a kinda picture of what is going on
if i drag left it works .
Submitted April 26, 2018 at 05:46PM by kjkldojham