I'm looking for portable monitor speakers of that kind of size. I'll mostly just use the speakers for when I'm doing arrangement, melodies, harmonies etc. Mixing and sound design I'll mostly do on my studio headphones which have a more true response.
So the 4 that I'm considering so far are:
Mackie CR3 (most expensive where I am)
M-Audio AV32 (this and the Edifier about the same price)
Edifier R1700BT
Microlab B77 (the cheapest of the lot)
I found a few sound comparisons on youtube (I used my studio headphones to listen to these comparisons):
To me the M-Audios sound really boxy so I don't think I like that. What is your opinion on these different monitors? The Microlab although the cheapest seem to have the clearest sound for some reason. Edifier also have a fairly clear sound.
In what order would you rank the 4, and any others you might add to the list of the same size?
Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
Submitted April 29, 2018 at 11:03AM by 223am https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8fri3z/advice_needed_small_portable_monitors_3_woofer/?utm_source=ifttt