I guess this will get removed as irrelevant but I think it’s relevant because he was such an inspiration to me and if it wasn’t for him the music I make would probably be very much different from what it is right now.
So if you mess around Monstercat, you have to know Tristam, over the years he built a big fandom and brought a lot of people to tears with his music.
What I loved about him the most is how unique his texts were, it was like he purposely didn’t write about relationships and if yes, only lightly. He let you make what you wanted of his songs. That however changed by 180 degrees over the last year. Last summer he released Bone Dry with which he basically ditched his originality because he used “the 4 chords” (yk that poppy chord progression that’s been used 1000000x at this point). Bone Dry was still quite his style though but it did concern me. The last nail to his coffin was nailed CCA a week ago when he released his new single “Questions”, which has lyrics that wouldn’t seem out of place if Justin Bieber or Ed Sheeran had them.
RIP Tristam I’ll never forget.
Submitted April 30, 2018 at 07:31AM by ambisinister_sloth https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8fyh6r/anyone_else_recently_really_disappointed_about/?utm_source=ifttt