I am currently using Ableton Live 9 on a macbook pro and for some reason Ableton is only outputting the master in mono and not stereo. If I pan mono tracks hard left or right, they still play out of both speakers though the volume does change slightly. If I put a Mid/Side EQ on the master and take out all of the mids, nothing comes out of the headphones at all. It is silent if I play out of the laptop's built-in speakers as well.
I'm currently using the CoreAudio Driver and the Built-in Output as my Audio Output. Does anyone have any possible explanation for why this is happening and any potential solutions? I tried using the same headphones on my Windows desktop and I could pan things and listen in stereo like normal.
Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.
Submitted December 01, 2017 at 09:50PM by YourrBestFriend https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7gziam/ableton_only_outputs_in_mono/?utm_source=ifttt