Hey guys, moving into a house (woo no neighbors!), however, I need some advice on which monitors to get and general setup for best acoustic practices.
Attached is a picture of the layout. https://imgur.com/gallery/lUYBH
The room is 10' x 11' , although on the 11' side the closet comes out of the wall 2.5' so it's more like 10' x 9.5'.
I've been considering the HS8's, though I've read this just simply may not be the best practice. I can get them used for $500. (HS7s used for $470).
Or I can go with JBL LSR 305 for $200.
Any recommendations?
Also, is there a specific setup that would work the best for me in this room?
Thank you all so much for your help!
Submitted August 29, 2017 at 10:15PM by mustbesomebody https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6wvsmd/small_bedroom_setup_monitors_acoustics_help/?utm_source=ifttt