I don't have much of a soundcloud following but I recently found a DJ to work with. As a result most people who hear my song will hear it through a DJ instead of online.
Are there any important differences when youre making a track for a DJ to play? Do I need to worry about tempo, key, etc? He plays mainly techno and prog house.
Also I'm guessing I should focus on a good mono mix right? Since the speaker system is probably mono? And the noise floor is going to be much higher so I don't need to worry too much about super subtle details, just simplicity and clarity, right?
My music is a mix between hip hop and hardcore if it matters
Submitted August 29, 2017 at 03:21PM by asdf51481 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6wt4z1/differences_when_producing_a_song_for_another_dj/?utm_source=ifttt