(x-posted with /r/audioengineering)
I have a question for all y'all DAW heads in here: What is literally the lowest bitrate/bandwidth/codec/setting you can render a playable audio file? It doesn't have to be playable in iTunes or a media player per se. Just at the least within DAW and have the smallest file size possible.
As an experiment I want to compose something specifically to sound decent or recognizable as music within the lowest settings possible. So far in Reaper it seems like OGG Opus in mono at 6kbps/8khz. Sounds gnarly but the experiment is to see the ways limitation would change how I compose, as well as making some sort of artistic observation about audiophile/high res blah blah. Any thoughts?
Apologies if this is an inappropriate question for this sub, I read the rules! Thanks!
Submitted June 27, 2017 at 03:34PM by regular_poster https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6juq3w/what_is_the_lowest_resolution_playable/?utm_source=ifttt