I go to sea for 4-6 months at a time and the majority of the time I'm out of reach from the world. No internet, no cell phone. I'm trying to get ready by downloading all the learning resources I can, just wondering what you guys recommend.
I've already downloaded a shit ton of youtube videos (Zen World & Julian Gray) and I've torrented the Deadmau5 masterclass. I need some stuff on music theory and chords, fersure.
Also are there any good sample packs that I should get before I go? Free preferred obviously, but if you think its worth, I'm willing to buy a good one.
VST's: I own Serum, Sylenth1, Cthulu, & Kick-2. Am I missing any important ones? I know a lot people on this sub say VST's aren't necessary, especially when starting out, but hear me out... This is my first actual productive hobby... I don't care about the money. I wanna ride the wave all the way in. Also might be worth adding that I only have the Intro version of Ableton.
Thanks a bunch in advance.
Submitted June 28, 2017 at 04:23PM by RareCandyRx https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6k2x7i/looking_for_good_learning_resources_that_i_can/?utm_source=ifttt