I've been messing around with Fl Studios for about a month. I have no song to show for it(obviously not surprising).
My problem is actually making a song. I start a (what I aim to be) a more trap intro to a song. And the melody is always something I fuck up.
Now I have been teaching myself super super basic vaporwave synth melodies. These melodies are nothing to be proud of but are definitely a Vaporwave vibe. I have problems choosing the right synth/Sytrus preset to make a melody.
With that out of the way: How the fuck do I even start learning melodies? Should I start with mixing chords to a calm dubstep melody or...?
Thanks in advance guys.
Submitted May 01, 2017 at 03:48AM by oneshot323 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/68kicf/a_noob_question_about_dubanystep/?utm_source=ifttt