I've been diving into theory and I have what I'd consider a basic understanding - chord structure/progression, reading music, key signatures, the Circle of Fifths, etc. What I lack is a sort of structural means of applying the theory and making music.
I can futz with my Novation Circuit to do good things. I'd like to do more with my RM1x and Microkorg (or its future replacement, I'm not a fan of the double matrix menu setup/workflow). I tend to work well with exercises and assignments, basically coursework.
Is there such a thing as an online course/MOOC or some kind of lesson-plan approach out there? Free is good but I'm willing to pay for the right lessons. I'm trying to keep it hardware-focused but if it's a generic prerecorded course that is meant for a DAW, I can probably adapt it to my setup.
Submitted May 31, 2017 at 09:50AM by MohnJaddenPowers https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6eeql5/are_there_any_mooc_or_other_style_courses_on_edm/?utm_source=ifttt