I'm sure everyone can relate to this issue - you've produced a loop that has 'something' about it that you really like, something that hits you and connects. Maybe 16 bars, or even just 8. It's good, but it's nowhere near a full track. You listen to it over and over because of the very fact that it's good. Then, when you try and think or imagine how to expand upon that idea, you can't see the wood for the trees because that loop has imprinted itself so strongly in your mind that it's almost impossible to break free from. I'm wondering if there are any existing posts/threads/articles that have tips for overcoming this issue. Say for example, you don't know music theory but you've produced a loop that is catchy and just works - how can you figure out what key you're in, what progression you've used, and then what can you do within that key to augment your original idea by using theory to assist you in getting out of the rut you've gotten yourself in. Like, writing a bridge or some sort of modulation of key? Obvs this is a huge subject and is almost asking for the magic answer to creating tracks, but if anyone has any tips or links to knowledge that has already covered this topic then that'd be highly appreciated.
Submitted April 28, 2017 at 01:36AM by Neonjung https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/680z5t/tips_for_expanding_upon_simple_ideas/?utm_source=ifttt