I have been learning music production for almost a year and half. All by YouTube and reading articles, books and getting help from all you really supporting people.
But I want to go more advance musicly and technically.
I will post everything thing that I have made in this post after 4-5 hours as soon as I finish my class , so that all of you can have an idea if I should take the online production class or not.
One fear that I have is my family is not very financially strong so $1500 is a big amount for me.
Thank you for reading. I will edit and post everything that I have made till the date :)
Submitted April 28, 2017 at 12:46AM by aarkofficial https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/680r51/should_i_take_a_music_production_course_online_eg/?utm_source=ifttt