Hi everyone, lets cut to the chase. We all share the same musical passion for our respective instruments, we should pull our resources and creative talent together to create a small homage, on /r/place for more information on helping us out click on this link right here, Now i know what you all must be thinking, what if I don't play the piano? This isn't about a certain instrument or glory to a certain subreddit, its about creating a little corner to call our own for the musically creative folks on reddit; plus in the end isn't that what subreddits are all about?
Thank you in advance /r/edmproduction
Submitted April 01, 2017 at 11:38PM by NefariousPurpose https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/62xbau/help_rpiano_with_creating_a_keyboard_on_rplace/?utm_source=ifttt