Sup guys. I've recently noticed that I'm experiencing what appears to be horrible lag spikes or perhaps latency drops whenever dragging around audio or midi clips within the arrangement view. For instance, I just opened up a brand new project, imported a kick & snare sample into their respective tracks within the arrangement view, and now whenever I drag a clip around, or even perform a shortcut command (duplicate), there is an incredible amount of lag that occurs, and the clips take about 1-2 seconds to move on the screen. It's very bizarre, and I don't think I've experienced this before. I have an i5 4690k / 8 GB setup, so it couldn't be my CPU.. can it? Here are my settings. I've attempted to change my buffer size from 128 to 512 but it doesn't seem to help either. I don't believe this to be a latency issue because the audio isn't skipping or anything. There is just "lag" when moving clips around or doing various tasks within the UI. My zoom display is at 100% too, so it couldn't be that.. I'm running Ableton 9.7 btw. Thanks for your help.
Submitted April 01, 2017 at 04:22PM by Eternal_Horizon