Hey guys,
Awhile back I posted this thread on /r/EDM asking advice on how I should go about hitting up my cousin to see one of his shows. Turns out, he was able to get me onto snowglobe's guest list and witness the whole behind the scenes of it all.
I loved it
From exploring the dressing room/lounge area to the warm trailer behind the Sierra stage to just watching him kill what he does was incredible. His set was amazing, from his typical chill remixes to exploring the more festivalish headbanging genre. It was awesome to also see he knew most of staff prior to his fame, from his photographer to stage hands.
I've tried to work with free production software trying to get something going before, silly little mashups, but this really has my interest now. What's a good starting point if I genuinely want to consider taking a step into my local Reno scene?
Oh, and feel free to ask questions about snowglobe! Was only there for 3 hours, unforunately we thought the guest passes would only be good for one day, but instead we got free 3 day vip wristbands.
Submitted January 01, 2017 at 09:09PM by mremosquirrel https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5li3ui/wanting_to_dabble_in_production_after_witnessing/?utm_source=ifttt