Hi everyone,
So, just wondering if there's anybody out there that has a solution to a problem. I bought a komplete kontrol s49 midi keyboard on a whim at an auction, not knowing a lot about Native Instruments and how they handle product software etc. So, turns out I definitely need the software that comes with the keyboard once you activate it. Problem is, the product was already registered and the only way Native Instruments will transfer a license is if the current account that owns the license agrees with the transfer. NI sent a message to the account but there's no answer. I also have no way of contacting the previous owner personally, because the auction house won't give out his/her contact info because of privacy laws..
NI say they can't help me. Anybody out there know how to solve this?
Thanks a lot.
Submitted January 30, 2017 at 11:37AM by balt91 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5r138v/komplete_kontrol_s49_owners/?utm_source=ifttt