I brought this to EDM production because I'm not sure he is even DJing. The cross fader stays in the middle nearly the entire time. If you just scroll through and wait for his transitions to songs, it basically shows what he is doing on the board the whole time. Can someone tell me what program he used to put this together, or where he put it together? I don't understand how it goes together so well, all he is doing is playing with knobs and sometimes he messes pushes this volume thing up, you can see at 12:09, but i'm not sure what he is doing. I think it is pre produced in some program, can you do this with ableton?
Submitted January 02, 2017 at 04:59AM by sanderson22 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5lk69u/can_someone_tell_me_what_borgore_is_doing_here/?utm_source=ifttt