hey guys, i come to le redditz seeking help with my deep frequency percussion, and making these sounds sound strong and alive in the mix.
in most of my drops / bass-heavier portions of tracks, i layer a 808 sub with a kick for that fat bass we all love. however, not only does my bass usually sound muddy and dull, but it just sounds like a thump. i'm sure a portion of this is caused by not choosing great kicks - i believe all my samples are high quality (solid producers on splice) but perhaps my issue is not choosing the right ones for my particular track.
but i think the majority of my issue is due to the classic frequency clashing and my inability to EQ the two components effectively. i understand that there are 'sweet spots' in the frequency range where the sub and kick sit respectively (60 - 100hz and 100-200hz?? < someone correct me haha), but despite my EQ'ing, they still sound kinda bad.
my technique EQing these components has been to solo each and see how much frequency i can trim off without losing the integrity of the sound. however, even doing so, they seem to clash or mud out usually. is this because sometimes i only want the high-end of kick, the pop (high passing it) and the deep af part of the bass to create the sound i'm looking for?
i could go on for days but i think you guys get a good idea of what i'm workin with. appreciate the responses ;)
& also, can somebody explain how the term '808' is used in the bass reference? are people using the term to mean the '808 sub' / 'tuned 808 sub'? because there's the 808 drumkit as a whole that has hats, snares, etc. (of course) and it's confusing haha.
Submitted December 28, 2016 at 11:24PM by zenscott https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5kuawn/pls_help_me_with_subs_808s_or_kicks_senpais/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Wednesday, December 28, 2016