My MBPr 15" is fantastic and a work horse, but the battery is going. I want to sell it and get a MacBook USBc. Regarding ports, I'll just get a dongle, so that doesn't worry me...
What worries me, is whether the machine will be able to handle my work. I mostly use Ableton with 4-5 soft synths, maybe 2 romplers, and a few instances of Kontakt. I usually have an external HD plugged in with samples and projects, I always carry a few with me... I also usually have no more than Push plugged in for creating. When needed I'll plug in the Scarlett or Apogee on occasion, but most of my work is "within the box".
For DJing I use Traktor, but am slowly transition to Pioneer.
Will the MacBook be able to handle this? Its much newer than my MBPr which was flawless, but its time to let it go before it explodes.
MB will be mostly for production, however occasionally we do some things like Photoshop or video editing. The MBPr handles Photoshop, Excel, Ableton, and Final Cut all at the same time with zero issues, including up to 20 safari pages open at one time lol. Will the MacBook be able to handle this?
My plan is to go with the MacBook for a year or two until the touchbar MBP is upgraded a year or two from now. Thoughts? Experience? Advice?
Submitted December 01, 2016 at 03:52PM by ZladElektronik
Javier Rodriguez
Thursday, December 1, 2016