I'm a huge fan of Getter and Cymatics so I'm not trying to discuss their feud whatsoever.
Instead, I want to know what Getter is doing to make his track sound more polished than the Cymatics remake project.
Getter uses Serum and Ableton (fact, check his Snapchat) We can divide this discussion into topics like sound design, mixing, etc.
*What is Getter doing to his Serum presets that make them professional. I have all the Cymatics presets and they sound close but not quite there. Can somebody please shed some wisdom on if Getter is tweaking within the synth or just doing better post-processing.
*In general, how are people taking the Cymatics presets and making them sound "professional enough to put in a song
(Don't get me wrong, Cymatics products are GREAT, but I simply can't just use a single preset to get a huge sound)
Submitted August 29, 2016 at 05:41PM by here4edmproduction https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5077dc/what_are_cymatics_presets_projects_missing_that/?utm_source=ifttt