Hi, I am having a bit of an odd problem with FL Studio right now. In my project I am using the iZotope Dynamic Delay which distorts the Delay (more and more with each repetition). In the program it is working fine, as long as I keep the plugin window open in the background.
However, when I render the song, the song itself sounds fine, just this one effect is missing.
I tried rendering in .wav and .mp3 with different settings but nothing seems to change.
I hope someone here can help :)
BTW I am using all registered products, so it's not because I illegally obtained anything.
Submitted August 29, 2016 at 08:33PM by dexstiny https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/50820y/need_helpfl_studio_effect_doesnt_render/?utm_source=ifttt