Hey there. Let me begin by thanking you for taking the time to read this post and hopefully guide me back to music-land. I'm at my wits end, with all resources exhausted, frustrated and lost.
Allow me to begin.
Preface: I have a desktop computer that has a custom water cooling loop, Windows 8.1, FL 12, an akai mini MIDI keyboard, and a FiiO 10k sound card. (Among other things, but this is what I imagine is relevant).
I moved back to college today, 7 hour car drive down to the school and a two hour unpack/move in. After unpacking all of my computer stuff and plugging all the usbs, power cords, etc. in, I decided to turn on the rig and make sure everything was good. Desktop turned on fine, tested out a few video games and chrome, those worked fine too. Everything seemed to be in order until I opened my copy of FL 12 was totally messed up. Before the trip it had worked fine. Instead of greeting me with the healthy chirp when I open the program (the typical jingle), it produces a very lagged glitchy slow chirp. On top of that the program will not produce sounds, I will open a project and it will play silence for 3/4s of a bar and then clip back to the beginning. I've tried changing the audio source from FLASIO to ASIO4all but it doesn't seem to help, when I change it to my FiiO it makes sound, but the interface lags terribly. I tried installing a fresh version of 12.3 and the problem persists. Any thoughts?
Submitted August 29, 2016 at 02:33AM by 2Much4Mee https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/503idy/calling_all_fl_gods_and_goddesses_i_need_your/?utm_source=ifttt