So I'm a senior software engineer, and I'm getting into game development right now. I'm fascinated in all parts of the process... I attended an arts high school as a visual arts student and was professionally trained in the visual side of things for 4 years, so I can make my own assets. After getting into computer science, it was kind of perfect that I now have the programming side of making games too. I've been casually watching music and sound-theory videos for a year or so now, and would love to eventually compose my own music for my games as well. I'm a little bit of a music snob, and particularly love some good acoustic guitar noodling and really spirited piano (anything from 80s synth to jazz piano) get's me pretty hyped too. :)
I've been on a kick of signing myself up for classes lately, and want to learn to play a passable amount of piano and/or guitar next year... but I was wondering if there's a particular order of learning them that's recommended? I know that with programming languages, learning one can definitely lend to learning another/make learning another much easier. Same with actual human languages. Is this the same with instruments?
As a heads up, I have no experience with reading music haha. If anyone has a recommendation on a place to start, that'd be rad!
Submitted October 07, 2022 at 01:16AM by iftheronahadntcome
Javier Rodriguez
Thursday, October 6, 2022