In this series, I'll be going over everything you need to know about chords: how to build them, where they come from, how they interact with one another, how to hear them, etc. This is the basic curriculum I use with all of my private students. This series is an expansion of a free ebook of the same name, available on my website (go to and scroll down until you find it.)
In this episode, we learn about Intervals, and we work on identifying, playing, singing, and hearing them.
Next time on Accelerated Intro To Harmony, we'll be talking about the Circle Of Fifths and Major Scales.
Please Like, Share, and Subscribe. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below. Are there any musical topics in particular that you'd like to see a video about? Let me know in the comments.
Introduction 0:00
The 12 Intervals 0:55
The Importance Of "Hearing" Intervals 6:35
Singing Intervals With The Piano 7:17
Singing Intervals Against The Piano 10:47
Inverting Intervals 13:07
Wrap Up 15:09
Thanks for watching!
Submitted December 24, 2018 at 01:42PM by BillGrahamMusic
Javier Rodriguez
Monday, December 24, 2018