I'm wondering what most people's volume of output is. I'd qualify songs as....not necessarily finished, but more than just a sound design project or something like that.
Personally...I have about 300 projects on my computer and I've deleted probably 100, so let's call it 400. That's since 2010. Before 2010 I probably made 300-600 more since 1999, but I was using different DAWs (or laying down from hardware onto a 4-track tape deck in the 90s!) and I didn't keep the project files, so that number is estimated.
lol, so in conclusion....about 1,000 songs in 16 years...or roughly 1 per week since I was 12. In reality, I haven't consistently been laying down 1 per week. I go through phases where I can go day after day after producing all night and then other times I'll quit for a few weeks or months and screw my head back on and live life.
I like about 3 of them and they're my most recent hahah. Always is the case.
Submitted April 26, 2018 at 05:55AM by notaboutweiners https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8f176c/how_many_songs_have_you_made_and_how_long_have/?utm_source=ifttt