I'm sure many of you have already heard this a thousand times, but I think it is important to talk about. Musicians (yes, EDM producers too) are more likely to suffer from depression than people who take different paths in life. We can speculate all day why depression and suicidal thoughts are so common in the music world, but I think the point is that we need to be aware of this and every now and then take a step back to relax and reflect on your current situation and mental health. I have lost 2 close friends to suicide, both were music creators and had big dreams of making a career in the music industry. One of my friends recently got to the point where he could make a living of streams and live gigs in the weekends. He was basically achieving his goals, yet he didn't become happier with his life, and like mentioned earlier he eventually ended his life. The point of this post is to remind you that you will not become happy just because you make it as a producer. Reaching the billboards, making millions, playing at festivals etc will not make you happy if you're not already happy with your life and what you are doing. Of course there are exceptions, but in general I would advise people not to give up on everything in life just to have a chance to succeed as a musician. Don't give up on your social life or family time if you are doing this in the search of happiness or money, because you will like proven by many successful people regret every minute you didn't spend with the ones you love. I apologize if I'm offending anyone with this post, and of course I don't have the answers to life, but I think we should be aware and have an open discussion about our mental health, especially in this industry. People spend so much time just to become the next Avicii, or pop icon or whatever because we think their lives are so much greater than ours, but in reality they are all somewhat envious of our simple not successful lives. All these guys you think are rich and happy are in reality super stressed out, loaded with anxiety, medications, depression, guilt, and the list goes on. So again, if you're making music because you want to become rich and famous, I would advise you to spend time with your family and friends instead. I'm just rambling on here because I'm very affected by the fact that yet another musician chose not to live, and it hurts to know that there are so many young people out there in a similar situation. How are you guys dealing with these things? Do you get depressed? Do you think success in music will affect your happiness or life quality? Is there any solutions to these problems that so many musicians has to face? Share your thoughts.
Submitted April 26, 2018 at 03:07PM by hatemyusername123 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8f4scd/avicii_died_of_suicide_family_confirms_lets_take/?utm_source=ifttt