First off, sincere thanks to any responses and/or info. I've had a really long day of research and constant emotional rollercoasters regarding audio hardware after finally having the money to buy it and have finally narrowed it down to new headphones. I was originally planning on some monitors (H5's were my most recent decision) but due to space and room treatment limitations where I currently live it doesn't seem worth the investment. Now I'm eyeing some high end headphones to cover my sub bass mixing needs. I made a comment in the /r/headphones weekly help thread but I've never got a response there and I'm in a bit of a rush. Really hope this is okay to post here, not sure where else to ask. I'll just copy/paste what I posted there for the most part.
I produce a lot of electronic music (ranging from modern/classic dubstep, EDM, trance, BR house, chill) along with some metal, rock, alternative, classical-ish/orchestral, etc. I like to experiment so versatility is preferred. If a DAC/AMP upgrade is recommended I can deal with that later but wouldn't be opposed to recommendations to avoid making another post in 3 months.
Budget - Not much over $700 USD maximum, would prefer in the $600's.
Source - Currently my PC through an FiiO E10k as well as an iPhone 5SE.
Requirements for Isolation - Would prefer open back.
Will you be using these Headphones in Public? Nope.
Preferred Type of Headphone - Full sized/over ear.
Preferred tonal balance - Aiming for a flat response for music production.
Past headphones - Currently own AKG K7XX's and BrainWavz HM5's. Much prefer the AKG's for the soundstage but the lower end is a tad muddy.
Preferred Music - Pretty much everything (Metal, most things Electronic, Rock, Folk, Classical, Indie, Rap, etc.), looking for some all around solid headphones that can handle most genres well while having a tight and present bass response for mixing with sub basses down in the lower 40Hz range. Do a lot with sub bass and need to be able to mix efficiently.
What would you like to improve on from your set-up - Better overall clarity and bass response. Not necessarily more bass but more accurate and present.
Thanks again.
Submitted December 28, 2017 at 03:49AM by InhailedYeti
Javier Rodriguez
Thursday, December 28, 2017