I, like many other people on the net (should've done my research), have been stung by the BS non-compatibility of El Cap with usb hubs. I bought an Anker 10 port as they are meant to be le beste, but of course both my macs won't work with it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, there are a million threads about it, no fixes except for custom kexts and config editing which is beyond what I can/want to do. I just want a damn hub that works when I plug it in.
Can anybody, anywhere, for the love of jeebus, recommend a powered USB Hub that actually works with El Cap and above. I don't want to go through the BS of winding back to Yosemite as a bunch of my programs won't be backwards compatible, so this is not an option. I use a 4,1 tower and MBP 2012.
FWIW I need a powered hub as I'm running several high-draw usb devices (maschine, MF4, Alias 8, LP Mk2) in my new live setup.
Submitted May 29, 2017 at 01:14AM by mlbstrd https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6dy6sz/usb_hub_for_el_capitan_ffs_how_does_anyone_play_a/?utm_source=ifttt