I've been looking for more music in the style of Burial and Four Tet but because of the massive amount of genres that are attached to them I could never really find anything until today when I knocked it out of the park and have found all these guys like I R R E L E V A N T, Ghostek, Davwuh, Crypt, Bonecold and so many more. But the goddamn genres they're linked too is so fucking wide, half of them seem completely made up. Ambistep, Dark Dub Garage 2 Step, Chill Future, Future Garage, Dark Garage, what the fuck? Why are so many subs needed, these guys all sound pretty fucking close stylistically and sonically, it's actually making it pretty hard to find certain genre. I still don't have any idea what genre these guys are, but I fucking love it.
I guess it's kind of cool that I actually have to study the sound design, rhythms, melodies and structure from the song rather then looking up youtube and adsr tutorials but if any of you know any artists that sound like these guys, or can give me a definitive genre please do.
Submitted April 01, 2017 at 03:58PM by Pentaguatti https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/62up8f/what_is_with_the_massive_amount_of_genres/?utm_source=ifttt