I've been producing for almost 3 years and my biggest road block is the whole time I'm making something I hate everything about it and it just ends up with me beating myself up. I get to the point where I'm just listening to what I have so far over and over and thinking about how terrible it is until I just don't add anything and give up because I just hate it so much. This sounds unbelievable stupid but I'm incredibly hard on myself. I've found that working with people helps a bunch cause it's good to have someone next to me saying "yeah man that sounds good" and to keep validating me but I can't always have someone there always obviously.
Submitted April 28, 2017 at 02:51PM by xBLUExBLUEx https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6848qb/how_do_you_get_past_hating_something_youre_making/?utm_source=ifttt