Hi all,
For those who don't know yet, I've been teaching a free online class in Max 8 every Tuesday and Thursday evening on twitch! The regular meeting time is 5:30pm Pacific (6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Central, 8:30 Eastern.) The class began at the very beginning, with an introduction to the language, and has gradually been building on concepts and topics. It's a great opportunity to begin learning the language, and you can review the essentials and hopefully learn something new along the way if you already have experience building patches.
Tonight's class (class #4) will be looking at how Max handles two important concepts: order of operations, and time. We'll use this knowledge to add a basic sequencer to the synthesizer that we built in classes 2 and 3.
Join the free class tonight at: [https://www.twitch.tv/musicandtechexplained](https://www.twitch.tv/musicandtechexplained)
Classes 1-3 are still up on the twitch channel to watch, if you have some free time and want to catch up!
Submitted April 07, 2020 at 05:12PM by MusicSDP https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/fwrpzq/free_streaming_max_8_class_tonight_on_twitchtv/?utm_source=ifttt