TLDR; Not a confident or seriously motivated person, parents would be against me learning music [due to them being religious] so I would have to hide my keyboard under the bed and also no piano teacher. Likely would use online resources (flowkey, YT videos, e-books etc) - main interest is in learning pop songs.
I'm 17, I don't really have any hobbies or interests but the last few months I've hours and hours watching piano covers (of mainly pop songs) on Youtube and I would just really like to learn how to play the piano. Now I'm sure most people would've bought a keyboard by now and start practising but I'm just really unsure if I can learn the piano and stick with it. There are a few reasons why I'm not really itching to get into it:
- I'm not a very motivated person, I lack confidence and I'm worried it just won't be for me (wrong mindset and horrible attitude I know)
- If I decide to learn the piano/keyboard, I wouldn't learn with a teacher because of my parents (they're religious and would be against it), due to the financial aspect.
- If I did buy a keyboard, I would likely have to hide it in my room, probably under my bed and use headphones to listen rather than using the speakers.
On the flip side, I probably would be able to practise at least 15 mins a day (maybe more, and If I learn now, I have just over two months of as much time as I want to learn because it's summer holidays for me). I am quite bored and don't do much anyway so I have time to use up even when my studies will continue
I want to learn it, 100%, in fact If you asked me what I would want right now, I'd say to learn the piano but I am just doubtful of myself and am not very confident. I have learned some of the basics/theory of piano (watched several youtube videos), learned some of the very beginner basics - what chords are, the notes on the keyboard etc. Learning how to read notes and sheet music seems complicated but I haven't started yet. If I was to get a keyboard, it would have to be relatively inexpensive and small. I have done research and I'd likely buy the Axus Digital AXP2 - I originally intended on spending less (about £60) but after watching a few YT videos, weighted keys were listed as an important feature in keyboards so I went for this.
I'm making a huge thing out of this and I just am really hesitant. Some tips/advice would be appreciated :)
Submitted June 30, 2019 at 04:55PM by anonuser621