Hi all,
This is Part I of a new 150 page book that details an intuitive method for learning the guitar. I'm still in the process of writing it and it covers (and simplifies) modes, pentatonics, blues, intervals and chords. This method is different and is freeing from many constraints imposed by learning via rote memorization and other frameworks. This method will allow you to break out of that 4-5 fret horizon your find yourself playing in, dictated by the CAGED method.
The Super Cluster Method will give you everything you need to learn all of the notes of the major scale on the fretboard in one day, if you are already an intermediate player, and one week if you are new. 729407, note, half-step, whole-step. That's all you really need to memorize. The fretboard reveals itself once you have done so.
This method, of course, is not automatic. Like everything in life it requires practice.
Big claims, big promises, I know. Go through the method to see for yourself and post back your responses here. Please, please actually read it and give it a fair shake before commenting though.
The Super Cluster Method— A Progressive and Intuitive Method for Teaching the Guitar Fretboard
Also, see my other post on Teaching the Notes of the Music Staff — A Progressive and Intuitive Method
I look forward to your feedback!
Submitted August 07, 2018 at 03:13PM by bodlandhodl https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/95e2wi/the_super_cluster_method_a_progressive_and/?utm_source=ifttt