So I've never had trouble writing tunes before I've always just heard them in my head - usually i make quite melodic long drawn out trancy type things that use pads and evolve over time but recently I decided to get into more your typical EDM (zomboy, kill the noise etc) and I'm chocked in finding that I can do the wubs but its actually the melodies that lead into them I'm having real trouble with... For the first time I'm finding myself in this loop where I'll begin a little tune, thinking it sounds great, and then just suddenly realise it nothing liek the direction I wanted it to head to... I'll throw on a track from one of the above mentioned producers realise its nothing like it or anywhere near as good and then scrap the project entirely and start a new one... and round and round I go never settling on anything. I tried just sticking with it and finishing the track regardless once and it was a complete waste of time. It seems I cannot force myself into this new genre. I know that on a technical level, it is not beyond me - I just cant seem to get hold of it. Anyone else felt/overcome this? Thanks
Submitted May 06, 2018 at 12:39PM by Tresillian