Hey community!
If anyone else is part of Bass Kleph‘s emailing list you‘ve probably seen he just made a video about stereo imaging and the problems than can occur when using tools like - Haas effect - Mid/Side EQ - Chorus - Frequency Shifting - Reverb
So, i‘ve been using most of these tools for stereo widening in my early production days but about half a year ago i switched to this free Ozone stereo plugin (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P819NzjN4rw) and it feels like it does great things to my mix!
I usually play alot with the width and keep the Stereoize knob off or at a minimum level. In my opinion it sounds great, i A:B‘d it with the Haas effect when i started using it and it did great things to my mix! My most common usage is for FX, hats and most importantly for Drop synths. The reason why i want my drop synths to be super stereo is because i hear it in almost every professional reference tune.
Now hear comes my question, i tend to almost never reference in mono (i know that‘s really, really BAD practice and i try to change my habit), so i just want to make sure this ozone plugin does a better job at stereo imaging than the effects mentioned above (and in bass klephs video)? Anyone experiences?
Submitted May 07, 2018 at 06:15AM by Saftstein https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8hm62s/so_about_stereo_imaging/?utm_source=ifttt