Ok so I've had this problem off and on when I get new equipment added to my setup, and I always really knew that it was an electrical problem. But today I had my speakers switched off to use my headphones, and when i switched them off again, the left speaker started to buzz.
Here is everything I tried.
- I turned it off and on again.
- I unplugged everything in my setup except for the speaker.
- I switched the power cable for a new one, I switched the left and right speakers physically, moving their positions on my desk, and the buzzing stayed in the same speaker. (it moved when I moved the speaker)
- The buzz doesn't change if there's an input cable or not, does not matter where it's plugged into.
- The speakers have the same knob setting on the back of them.
My audio interface is a Scarlett Solo, My speakers are used KRK Rokit 6s . Let me know if I didn't provide enough info.
Is this a wiring problem? or do I have a faulty speaker? Everywhere I look just tells me to check the electrical source which isn't helping.
Submitted May 08, 2018 at 11:54AM by QBanklerMusic https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8hxb2e/help_speaker_will_not_stop_buzzing/?utm_source=ifttt