I've been noticing lately that some of my synths that are supposed to sound lush and soft have this kind of high-end buzzing sound. Primary when using sawtooth waves. Almost like its being distorted yet all of the levels are totally fine. I've tried to find various ways to soften them including using Reverb and a LPF. However, if I cut out those frequencies with a LPF, the synth loses a lot of it's lush top end. Has anyone experienced this problem before?
For what it's worth, the synths in question are TAL-NoiseMaker and Mono/Fury. So it could just be a synth-specific issue since I don't notice it in any of the sounds from TAL-U-NO-LX.
Submitted May 04, 2018 at 10:06AM by lavalamp360 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8gz3de/highend_buzzing_from_synths/?utm_source=ifttt