hey guys, i am relatively new to making music and i have no clue as to how i should make beat patterns and rhythms. All i can do is create generic beats like the classic 4/4s and snares but these makes the track sound very bland and/or progressive house like, which is not what i am aiming for.
Can you guys suggest some sources from where i can learn how to create good and acceptable beats and patters so that it may fit in my track and train me about what to use and when to use in whichever scenario. EG; drum programming basics, how to eq the components so they sound better in a mix, what are and when to use percussion etc.
Thank You.
Submitted May 03, 2018 at 07:13AM by ashayramolia https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8gpa98/beginner_in_drum_programming_what_should_i_learn/?utm_source=ifttt