Hi everyone. I have tried to find the answer to this for a long time, but I haven't quite found a "recipe" that works. Most videos on Youtube etc shows you how to remove the vocal from the song, but in my case I want to extract the vocal and instead mute out the background music. Now, I have found that messing around with the Channel EQ kind of works, but it's not quite giving me the results I want. Also, whenever I enhance the vocal in the Channel EQ, I start getting problems with the track peaking 0db, even whilst using the gain plugin.
Do you have any tips on how to properly extract the vocal out of a song? Feel free to send me any tutorials/videos (if that is allowed on this thread). The tutorials I have found so far tend to extract the vocal out of a hip hop song, which might be a bit easier to extract due to the melody mostly consisting of beats that you easily can filter out. In my case I am trying to extract the vocals out of a pop song.
All the best,
Submitted April 28, 2018 at 12:52PM by The3picMonkey https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8fkqgb/tips_on_how_to_extract_vocals_from_a_song/?utm_source=ifttt