I have a very very basic understanding of music theory. Despite of me lacking the ability to read sheet music or recognising which sound frequency in the physical world corresponds to which musical note, I can fairly identify the key note in a song. For eg: if I were given an acapella vocal sample, I would be able to find the key note and the scale by hearing, and then compose the instrumentals, chorus, etc whose key note or scale corresponds to that of the acapella. I can also relate musical chords to certain psychological states. For instance, major chords or scales reminds me of sunny weather while minor chords or scales like E min strikes me as more emotional. All I'm saying is even though I don't understand how the musical grammar works, I can relate melodies or chords to psychology, I can recognise if two different melodies have the same scale and key note.
Now at this point you might be wondering why I mentioned all those things and how are they related, so here comes my original question: I have been able to make numerous 4-bar and 8-bar melodies in pianoroll, I mostly spend my time with FL Studio pianoroll for creating melodies of electronic music. But it's relatively been very hard for me to make a lengthy melody, like a 16-bar melody. Even if I did, I couldn't sense a vibe or life in the melodies. It's like they sound musical, but not exactly psychologically satisfying. I'm inspired by the track "Elements of life" by Tiesto, Elements of life has a 16-bar melody. I find it psychologically satisfying even though the melody repeats itself over and over throughout the song. I'm also trying to achieve this similar phenomena of 16-bar melody and repetitive throughout the track, but I have never been able to make a convincing melody.
I don't know if I'm successful in conveying what I'm thinking. English is not my native language so there's a chance I might have made few grammatical mistakes.
Submitted April 01, 2018 at 02:28AM by Smanov4096 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/88oo78/how_to_come_up_with_long_repetitive_melodies/?utm_source=ifttt