I don't like to use FX plugins such as delay/reverb/etc. I came up with this recently, in Sytrus, if you link Panning to randomness/Mod X/ an LFO/etc., you can get a nice stereo image with mono compatibility, zero effects, and no extra "volume" (adding delay, reverb, etc. will make your track slightly harder to mix).
If the resulting panning is to extreme, you can make the channel more mono. If I set panning to 100% randomness I will usually put mono to around 50% in FL's mixer.
Also in Serum you can just set LFO A/Envelope A/etc. to modify panning and then set the spread to 20% or so. This way your stereo image moves in concert with the wobbles of a riddim sound for example, which sounds cool imo.
I am certain other people do this also but I have not seen anyone do it in tutorials so I thought I would mention it as a fun trick.
Submitted April 28, 2018 at 11:43AM by whatthefuckmane https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8fkaz8/fun_way_to_get_stereo_image_without_effects/?utm_source=ifttt