Apologies in advance, but this is going to be one of those vague, gear and process oriented threads that most musicians have probably written at one point or another.
Specifically, I currently own an Elektron RYTM, in addition to Push and a copy of Ableton. I wouldn’t say I’m great at either, but I know my way around enough. As time goes on however I’m finding it harder and harder to justify keeping my hardware. I say this mainly because there’s nothing the drum machine can do that I can’t replicate in Ableton. In fact they sound identical, with the only key difference being that the hardware is a good bit harder to integrate in to the rest of my workflow.
Tracking, sequencing and syncing sucks compared to working directly within my DAW.
So obviously I should sell the drum machine and make $800, right? Well, not exactly. The only thing that keeps me hanging on to my RYTM, and it’s a big thing, is how instant it is. There’s no digging my laptop out from under the couch pillows, turning it on, closing a bunch of windows, waiting for Ableton to boot up, and then ignoring 1,000 options. All I do is flip a power switch, and within seconds I’m punching in patterns. When it comes time to actually track and arrange everything in Ableton it’ll be less friendly, yeah, but the immediate benefit is crucial. I’m way more inclined to steal a few minutes throughout the day and make music, sans all the apps and windows and annoying CPU overloads.
My question is...is my feeling this way indicative of why hardware is great? Or is it a sign that I need to streamline my DAW recording process? Does anyone else feel this way? Any feedback or advice concerning this debate would be appreciated.
Submitted January 29, 2018 at 02:05AM by SouvlakiPlaystation https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7tq0qo/on_selling_my_drum_machine_or_the_neverending/?utm_source=ifttt