Im looking for some kind of generic guideline for placing various parts (bass, pads, lead, arps) in spectrum frequency so they don't overlap too much.
Like how do you usually place pads, lead and arp, in terms of which takes lower and which higher place in terms of notes? Of course it depends on the chords and melody notes themselves, but im wondering if for example, transposing chord playing pads down so they are beneath lead would be good generic approach to clear up space, while transpose arp bits up to play above lead and so on.
Got this software called Liquid Music for making chords effortlessly, and got hookpad also for helping to make melodies on top of the chords. From there i usually also grab the bass from the lowest notes of chords (and transpose down if needed), perhaps as oblique if going for less busy movement, which obviously goes to cover the lower parts (with subbass beneath it). But for sake of smoothening workflow, those next parts im more interested how i could already to begin with place em in their own space without too much overlap consistently, hence the question.
I know there obviously isn't some rule to always apply on these matters, so i guess im more after insight of how other (more experienced) people usually approach this, and to sort of get better understanding of the mess i have about these matters in my head currently.
All this is to avoid having to fight too much in mixing stage with overlapping main synth elements all in same range, so you wont have to EQ notch background pads on lead fundamental part and sidechain em too heavily or rely on panning (which then fails if listened mono).
On the EQ'ing lead part one tip ive recently read is highpassing around the lowest note played by it using frequency chart:
This has been another useful chart also in terms of EQing
So should i just focus more on better EQ'ing and sidechaining rather than trying to solve these clashing frequencies by transposing notes around? Give some hints to a noob please. :)
Submitted January 30, 2018 at 05:47AM by animistic
Javier Rodriguez
Tuesday, January 30, 2018