Hi - loooong time (like started when I was in Uni in 1997 long) bedroom twiddler when it comes to making music (for my own enjoyment). Recently, I've come to realise that I work much better with text than with anything visual - but almost all mainstream sequencers these days are visual - you align the audio file blocks or click to add in MIDI notes. It seems there is almost nothing that uses a code-based approach - ala actual programming.
Wait, trackers, you might say - and yes, granted, you see letters and numbers - rather than coloured rectangles, but still - other than the method of entry - fundamentally you are still creating markers where a sample / VST starts and stops - just with a little bit more control.
I was wondering then if anyone knows of any DAWs, sequencers or trackers that allow you to go the whole hog - enter a musical sequence via code alone where you can specify timing, note duration, pitch etc all via code (manual text entry)?
I know Live coding / algorave is somewhat like this - but they all seem set up for live work without the ability to save and edit work offline (plus they seem to focus on the actual creation of the sound as well, not just the sequencing of it) - or is that my best bet?
All views welcome. You may ask why? Well, I just prefer the formality and binary nature of text - rather than having to move blocks around or click em on or off.
Submitted January 30, 2018 at 01:48PM by prupertplum https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7u2cag/any_daws_or_sequencers_that_allow_you_to_actually/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Tuesday, January 30, 2018