I'm currently in the process of choosing options for GCSE, and I've been highly recommended to take a BTEC in music because I stood out for my production skills but have no formal training with an instrument of any kind. I've been producing since march last year and enjoy doing it as a hobby and i really enjoy it, but I don't know if this will just be a waste of time and an option slot. The school has a very good music department with a recording studio and lots of music based extra curricular activities like a remix and EDM production club. All I really know about the BTEC is that it focuses on the music industry and practical elements of music such as DAW production, composition, and audio engineering. If I could get any more information about this from older posters that have taken this course it would be greatly appreciated :)
Submitted January 28, 2018 at 11:44AM by ChemTheWeasle https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7tkldz/is_taking_btec_music_a_good_idea/?utm_source=ifttt