So i have been looking through tutorials on youtube on how to make Jack u style drops and in those kind of drop the vocal chops are a key ingredient, the problem arises when most tutorials are in ableton and they use sampler and are able to manipulate the vocal much quicker and in an easier way.
I use FL so i don't have a sampler so my question is which native plugin can i use which is specifically good for chopping vocal. I don't know which i should use Fruity Slicer, Fruity Slicex etc.
The main problem i am running through is i tried to make a track around 140BPM and when i try and chop them it kinda runs through faster and it lasts for a short period of time not sustained (I don't know how to explain this part but tried my best)
Note: I am attaching a video link of the result i want to achieve. Watch it from 3:40 to 4:15 i am only looking to achieve just the basic pattern he has but when i chop my vocal i cannot get them to sustain and fell continuous.Which plugin can i use in fl studio instead of a sampler in ableton? Also Can i use serum for vocal chops?
Its kind of a long post i'm sorry and Thanks for any helpful feedback.
Submitted January 01, 2018 at 07:03PM by AidenFairview