I was looking for a new pair headphones as mine are quite old and aren't the best for music production ( I have a Logitech G930). I've been reading about these two for a few hours and I still can't decide which is best. There are a lot of posts talking how both are great and a lot of posts putting them against each other but none of them talk about music production. So my question is, which one has the most neutral sound, best fidelity and if the upgrade is worth it.
And to give you more information, when I'm mastering a track my biggest problem is the low end frequencies. For some reason all my tracks end up with either too much bass or with no bass when I play my tracks in speakers!
Submitted January 28, 2018 at 06:57PM by drjoota1 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7tng4n/audiotechnica_athm40x_or_the_sony_mdr7506_for/?utm_source=ifttt