Hi guys,
I am a bit confused by this. Spinnin Records has every now and then remix competitions. They provide you with the stems and you make a remix and submit it on their platform.
Now the way you submit your entry is through SoundCloud. So if Spinnin does not want the remixes on SoundCloud how come the only way you can submit your entry is through SoundCloud? And there is no information on the competition page that the track needs to be private or it will be taken down.
My remix does not even resemble the original. The only stems I used were the vocals.
Am I missing something or is this how it usually goes down?
Submitted December 01, 2017 at 12:27PM by Semywow https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7gvoay/soundcloud_issued_a_strike_against_my_account_on/?utm_source=ifttt