Hey guys! So I've been producing for about a year now and I would say I have a decent understanding of the fundamentals of composition, mixing, mastering etc. I feel as though I have made a fair amount of progress in my short time as a producer, but I know there is so much more I'm still missing out on. I was wondering what you guys think of a producer taking the Music School path and learning hands on with teachers in a class, or if it would be more beneficial to take something like the Ill Methodology workshop Ill Gates offers..
I'm sort of in a spot where my family is getting on my back about going to school and conforming to the ways of the modern day American dream and yatta yatta. So basically they are saying music is a waste of my time. But I honestly just want to make music. So what have you guys tried or think would be a good next step for the bedroom producer to take a serious next step in learning the craft?? Also I'm sure questions like this have been asked before so feel free to direct me to the thread. Thank you all!
Submitted December 01, 2017 at 05:01PM by austinanderson97 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7gxm47/music_school_vs_online_courses_vs_internet/?utm_source=ifttt